焦点办公家具首页 -> 南京钢木办公家具 -> Lifting 升降办公桌系列
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Hot 升降办公桌 BI-1201-02 |
Hot 升降办公桌 BI-1601-02 |
升降办公台 BI-1201-03 |
长 1.25~2.0米;宽 0.7~1.0米 高度 0.71~1.16米 |
长 1.2~1.8米;宽 0.7~0.9米 高度 0.71~1.16米 |
长 1.25~2.0米;宽 0.7~1.0米 高度 0.65~1.25米 |
At any time freely adjust the height.
Numerous studies have shown that if people can change their posture in the workplace at the right time, they can improve their health and work efficiency. The innovative development of the lifting table series can support employees to easily adjust the required table height without noise, while encouraging timely switching of work patterns.
升降办公桌 BI-1201A-02 |
L型升降办公桌 BI-1202-02 |
L型升降办公桌 BI-1202-03 |
长 1.25~2.0米;宽 0.7~1.0米 高度 0.71~1.13米 |
正面 1.25~2.0米;侧面 1.5~1.85米 高度 0.71~1.16米 |
正面 1.25~2.0米;侧面 1.5~1.85米 高度 0.65~1.25米 |
L型升降办公台 BI-1202A-02 |
升降工作组 BI-1203-02/03 |
L型升降办公位 BI-1204-02/03 |
正面 1.25~2.0米;侧面 1.5~1.85米 高度 0.71~1.13米 |
长 1.25~2.0米;宽 0.7~1.0米 × 2 高度 0.65~1.24米 |
边长 1.25~2.0米 × 边宽0.7米 × 4 高度 0.65~1.24米 |
升降办公桌 BI-1602-02 |
升降工作位 BI-1603-02 |
L型升降办公台 BI-1002-02 |
正面 1.35~1.8米;侧面 1.4~1.70米 高度 0.71~1.16米 |
长 1.2~1.8米 × 宽 0.7~0.9米 × 2 高度 0.71~1.16米 |
正面 1.6×0.8米;侧面 1.6×0.6米 高度 0.65~1.03米 |
温馨提示:我们家具产品的图片颜色已尽量接近实物,但因为拍摄时的光线、显示器的分辨率、亮度、对比度等因素的不同,与实物会存在正负10%的 色差,敬请您谅解或对照本公司实物色卡查看选择。 |
焦点友和 • 中高档办公家具【五年优质保用】• 提供终身维护服务 |
Another point of view,Another Attraction view.
“焦点友和” 升降桌系列外观简洁、优雅,拥有良好的工作形态组合功能以及丰富的个性化可选配置,能够有效适用于多种办公环境需求,精巧合理的结构设计能够最大化地提升办公空间的使用效率,多种形态的工作桌组,全方位支持团队及企业不断发展变化的需求。
The lifting table series has a simple and elegant appearance, a good working form combination function and a rich personalized and optional configuration. It can be effectively applied to a variety of office environment requirements, and a sophisticated and reasonable structure design can maximize the use efficiency of office space.A variety of forms of work desk groups, the full range of support teams and companies to continuously develop changing needs.
However, as people sit for more and more time, people gradually realize that sedentary work is not conducive to improving work efficiency. People begin to try to sit in alternate office,and the use of desk station office has become a popular and healthy way of office. When the lifting table series stands, it can open up the meridians of the whole body, and the body's energy flows naturally to make the body healthier.
焦点家具,友和办公,让您的工作更轻松! Focus furniture,Friend and Office,Make your work easier!
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